The Polish Clusters Association

The Polish Clusters Association
Księcia Bolesława Street 1/3, 01-452 Warsaw
Contact person
Krzysztof Krystowski
+48 533 911 904
Social Media
Twitter: @klastrypolskie
Facebook: ZwiazekPracodawcowKlastryPolskie
LinkedIn: związek-klastrów-polskich
What kind of organisation are we?
Employers’ association
Since when?
How many members?
What are our activities?
Representing social and economic interests of consociated employers (especially coordinators of clusters and cluster initiatives) on the national level;
- Working with other organizations of employers and business organizations, business entities, and national and foreign associations;
- Executing actions supporting the development of clusters and the idea of clustering, especially through: managing clusters; initiating and organizing cooperation between cluster initiatives and their members; undertaking actions in favor of improving the innovativeness of the members, cooperative relations, and cluster initiatives consociated in the Association; organizing trainings and conferences, promoting clusters, carrying out actions in favor of the cooperation between entrepreneurs and academic representatives.
What are our priorities?
- Developing and presenting opinions on issues related to the economy, especially innovative economy. Giving opinions on assumptions and draft laws and executive acts to the extent covered by the tasks of employers’ organizations;
- Appearing before public authorities in matters concerning the rights and interests of clusters and cluster organisations.
- Supporting cluster initiatives in undertaking internationalisation activities, in particular – international cooperation in research and development projects;
- Organizing conferences and other forms of exchanging views and experiences of employers’ environment. Organizing meetings and other forms of exchange of views;
- Organizing meetings and other forms of contact between employers (especially coordinators of clusters, cooperative relations and cluster initiatives).