Survey for European companies, clusters, and stakeholders: A Solutions-Oriented Approach to Supply Chain Disruptions on behalf of the European Commission
Your support counts!
Has your business recently suffered from supply chain disruptions? Do you have ideas on how these disruptions should be solved? If the answers are yes, the European Commission wants to hear from you!
Share your ideas on how to build supply chain resilience with us today by taking part in our survey, organised on behalf of the European Commission by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform.
Please click here to participate.
The results will directly feed into policy consultations with the European Commission. Your contribution is key to helping us develop effective solutions to these disruptions and will take less than 10 minutes! Please circulate the survey link among your members and networks: the higher the turn-out, the better the representation of your members’ interests in future EU policies!
Please find more information on the European Cluster Collaboration Platform.